Whoscanned.com is a concept develped between 3 freinds to help answer the concept: If someone sees a random QR code how many people will scan it. While currently the site has no funcionality (I know sad right) we are working hard to implement many of our ideas to help provide the maximum amount of anilitics to our veiwers. Like the idea but not the current site? Check back in a couple of weeks and see what we've done!
This site is actully just a stock template. Thats right. None of stats you have seen are actully true. We had a working website but then (tragicly) while bringing new funtionality we destroyed it. Instead of just continuing to try to use Wordpress to build our site instead we decided to upgrad programs so we would be able to pull off our wildest dreams. We are currently working on the site from scratch, but to make sure the site is working we put togeather this quick template so something pops up.
Improved Analytics.
We hope to bring even more stats, like the type of device you are using to scan the QR code, or your general location.
To show what codes and where are the most popular.
So you can buy custom mech to help grow the reach of whoscanned.com.